Life changing story of Miss Saumyaa who participated in Peace Education of HWPL

November 23, 7:49



Life Changing story of Miss Saumyaa who participated in Peace Education of HWPL

COVID19 penetrated deep from our small daily lives to the big parts and changed everything around the world. They include meeting school friends offline, hugging, starting a new school year with a big heart and going to the entrance ceremony, and a festival where students could enjoy together. Now it feels like a dream.

It is time for mankind to change in line with the Corona situation. The human world is at the turning point, and we can’t avoid education area. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that the education sector has been hit directly. Education is a process in which people come together to share their minds and to inform them of physical and spiritual values. Communication and interaction between people are really important parts. But now, this is not happening and some schools are closed. So, students are participating in home-schooling or online class. Therefore, there are many cases around the world where students are discriminated against or are left out of step. For example, there is a gap between the rich and the poor students, and cases where teachers only provide online materials without real education. Some countries have schools that are looking for changes in the educational system and content that have been maintained so far. Unlike when we face each other, the problems of online education are revealed.

However, HWPL leads the most necessary education that informs humanity and invisible spirituality through online Peace Education. The peace education of HWPL provides equal and equitable opportunities for justice in education. This Peace Education is organized by the International Peace Organization "Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL)” associated with the UN Department of Global Communications (DGC) and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) It provides training material for the Peace Program and teaches lessons, in cooperation with regional communities and schools. Until today, 214 educational institutions around the world, including India, the United States, and the Philippines are designated as HWPL Peace Academy. In addition, more than 100 students are attending peace education in Philippines and schools have already signed MOUs with HWPL in Nepal.

There is a young Nepalese teenager who received HWPL Peace Education. Her name is Saumyaa Jha. She was not clear of what kind of dream she would live with but this opportunity led her to receive peace education and change. She gained a clear goal for passion, love, and future and now has a dream to become one with society by developing her potentials. 


Khaptad Online team have taken an interview with Miss Saumyaa about how she changed her life by HWPL Peace Education.


[ Interview ]

1) Introduce yourself?

I am Saumyaa Jha, a sixteen years old girl and a student of peace education. I am basically someone who has got big dreams, is interested in doing everything and also follow my dreams and finds the solutions to achieve my dreams. 


2) How do you spend your time during this pandemic?

I find myself very lucky, very blessed to experience something amazing something wonderful in this pandemic. I spent my first few months were watching our greatest mythological shows, Ramayan and Mahabharat. It was something I wasn't interested in, I wasn't so happy while I started it but then when I kept on watching it, I was really surprised and I felt lot of positive change in myself so now I have become that one person who wants everybody, especially some youths, some people of my age to watch those shows and learn the message which they want to convey to us. Next, I started writing articles, I started writing essays through which I got to know about HWPL and I also got to know about peace education course, so I joined the peace education course, I completed all 12 lessons and also participated in seminar, webinar organized by HWPL where I learned many things. 


3) Motivation of peace education?

Okay. So I think nowadays war has become a very common topic, it sounds bad it sounds upsetting but it's true, it’s the reality. Nowadays the headline of many news channels, many newspapers are filled with war and conflict. Sometimes war between America and North Korea. The other day the war between India and China, the next day bomb blast in Syria. So I was quite upset with these incidents. So I gathered a few people. My friends, I gathered my friends and I gathered my relatives and I asked them to choose between war and peace. And luckily all of them chose peace. So that day, I came to just find that if everyone chose peace, what is the real cause of war? Why is war occurring? In my opinion, I think peace is the absence of negativity and presence of positivity, so this thought and opinion of mine was the main motivation for me to take peace education.


4) Introduce HWPL and peace education?

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) is an international peace organization founded for global peace and cessation of war. It is an organization which helps youths like me to realize what is peace, to realize why is peace education important. And moreover it makes us understand, it makes us realize that war is not a solution, peace is the ultimate answer, peace is the ultimate key to a beautiful world and peace education is for sure an important asset of peace which provides us knowledge. It's different from other education, it's not boring for sure. It helps us to work for peace and make this world a better place.


5) How did you learn peace education?

Okay. So I was searching for a good platform which could help me to know more about peace as I was always interested in knowing more about peace and peace education. So I came to know about HWPL through Alice mam who is very active member of HWPL. She told me about the peace education course, she explained me a lot about HWPL and I was really happy to know all about it so I wanted to experience the peace education class and joined the peace education classes and completed all courses of peace education class.


6) What did you learn through peace education?

Well I learnt a lot of new things as I mentioned before. First thing I want to say is I started thinking different things in a broad way which I generally used to ignore. When my teacher first she gave me some examples which changed my life for sure. I would tell you an interesting example she asked me, have you ever been to a concert? I said no but I have watched few BTS concert in youtube. She smiled and asked me, "Do you agree many musical instruments and the voices they combine and work in harmony to give you a beautiful music a beautiful tune?" I said yes surprisingly. And after that I realized why could not I think in that way? I used to listen to song just as song just as music but I never thought they actually combine and work in harmony to give us beautiful music, this really amazed me I learned many other things as well. I came to respect all the creature. When she gave me an example of Elephant dung, I laughed at first like what could an elephant dung do? But then she told me one elephant dung can produce two forty thousand sheets of paper which can save about two forty trees. This was really amazing, this was the main thing I came to know that every creature is equally important and we should respect everyone's existence.    


7) What was the interesting part that you liked the most and like to share with family and friends?

All the parts all the chapters were very super interesting, super informative and full of magic because after learning each chapter I was ready with the new goal. I was ready with new dreams which is yet to fulfill but also the most interesting part was the examples which my teacher Karen ma'am she used to show me. She showed me a picture of the birds who were travelling by making V shape. At first I could not understand why are they doing so and then she explained to me the birds they work in harmony. They unite. So that they can resist wind. ANd they can travel a longer distance than one bird can travel. This was pretty interesting. I mean I realized that if a bird, if a bird can you know set an example of unity then why ot we humans? And also she showed me a bowl full of salad. She explained that all the healthy vegetables, they combine and work in harmony to give us a healthy meal. So yeah these kind of examples really inspired me to learn peace education and to pass out peace education to other students like me.


8) Share your changes after peace education? How does it affect your life?

Like I said, peace education was a life changing part for me. Well I was always that person who wanted me to be good. I wanted myself to make a better change in myself. But I was not successful. When I took peace education, it made me realize that it is not important to change others, first, before I was that kind of person who wanted to change others, I used to think that whatever I do, whatever I say is correct and other is not correct. But then I realized that there are a lot of things, a lot of things to be changed in myself. And I started writing them in my note copy that yeah these are my few problems which are in me and I started working in them. Like I controlled my anger for sure, that was the main thing. And I also started forgiving others which is difficult for sure but yeah I realized that sometimes it's really important to forgive others to create a good environment and I also helped my family members to realize peace and peace education and now they're very happy with the change.


9)What is your new dream/plan after this education?

See I always you know, as I am a student of Grade 11 and I'm studying science now, but literature and social work are two important things which really defines me. Though I study science, I'm always interested in doing social work. So, it's not a new dream but now I've become more clear that now i have to engage in social work and I have to create smiles in other faces because I realized that nothing is more valuable than helping others, than giving and then contributing so now, like my teacher, I want to inspire people to care for others, to respect others and to love others.


10) Is there anyone whom you want to introduce peace education?

Yes of course, everyone I think everyone should take peace education especially youths and teenager like me because we are the future of the world. And if we take peace education then for sure we can create positive change in this world. Because you know this sentence, "we are one" it's just a sentence but I want it to be a feeling. I want it to convert into an expression. So if we take peace education I am quite sure that this will not only remain as sentence and this will be a feeling. So I want all the youths to take peace education and make this world a beautiful place.


11) Any comments to people?

Comments: Well I just want to say is people please experience peace education. Please take peace education because I am quite sure you will find a real you and you will be a better person for sure. And you will realize that you are bored to achieve Peace you are born to work for peace. Also, I want to say is family and teacher plays an important role because if my family wouldn't be there to support me, if my teacher Alice ma'am and Karen ma'am wouldn't be there with me, I couldn't achieve this I couldn't realize peace, I couldn't understand peace because just reading and just learning isn't fine. It's important to realize and that's what my teachers and my parents made me to do. I want everyone to focus on peace so that we can say no to war and we say only yes to peace.

सम्बन्धित वर्गका समाचारहरू

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