Poem: Teacher
Saun 17, 2077
I feel proud,
As I was born to be a Teacher,
To spread the light of knowledge,
To enlighten the society,
Though as a part of the nation!
I feel proud,
As I’m the master of my fate,
I’m the master of my mind,
I’m the master of my society,
I’m the master of my disciples,
How sweet the word,
When I hear ‘master’ of my profession!
I feel proud,
To be a Teacher,
As teaching is the profession of professions,
To teach for outcome, not for income,
Corruption-free, knowledge sharing,
Well-being of my disciples, of all,
The only aim I keep,
Being a bridge to cross thousands,
In the path of bright future,
Human resource of perfect nature!
Every person I meet is my Teacher,
As I learn new thing from them,
To increase the storehouse of my knowledge,,
Keeping up to date,
All the time
As new knowledge explosion
In the world triggering me,
To adapt for my career!
Mohan Singh Saud
Associate Professor of English Education
Kailali Multiple Campus, Dhangadhi